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Friday Encouragement

Good Afternoon All & Happy Friday!

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Today’s Verse of the Day is

Deuteronomy 18:15

The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.

Brothers and sisters,

God says whom shall I send and you and I need to respond Here Am I Lord send me… Are you willing to yield your plans to the Lord and give Him the steering wheel? The thing that keeps jumping out at me from this scripture is the words… like me….

He is looking for someone like you and me…

You don’t have to be able only willing. If God can use a man with no arms and legs, how much more can He use us…?

If anyone feels helpless or powerless today… I promise you that you are not as helpless or powerless as you feel. The enemy keeps using this lie that you are hopeless, helpless and powerless to keep you from going to the One… Jesus Christ who is none of those things.

If you are in Christ, you are a child of God.

Without Him we are as an empty glove laying on a table. However with Him we are like a glove when a hand fills it. Now the possibilities are endless for the glove with the hand in it. While eventually the glove without the hand in it will just deteriorate over time… John 15 brothers and sisters…

When you call upon Christ you are not on your own Strength anymore. When you speak the Word or pray you are not using your own power. You are using God’s power and it is limitless and boundless. It has no end. God is walking right beside you today and is waiting for you to call upon Him. You are never alone… So don’t give up… Ever…

Please enjoy the below Video the Secret to the Power of Prayer by Lion of Judah Ministries

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And remember you never walk alone God has said

I am saying brothers and sisters keep on praying because truly….

Brothers and sisters you need to do this also

And see the truth and stop seeing yourself as less than…

That you are…

We keep searching the internet for Answers only God can give…

I would like to end with this final message..

He who kneels…

God Bless all of you… Have a great weekend!

About flowmasterbeg

Happily married USAF veteran, I am a family man and enjoy serving God everyday in anyway I can.

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